Loving Living Being

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Reiki is a form of alternative medicine developed in early 1900s in Japan. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which is energy. Reiki is not affiliated with any religion or religious practice.

All living things are made of energy. Energy is positive and negative and creates positive and negative emotions and feelings.

Positive energy and emotions creates high energy and promotes health, balance and wellness. When your energy is balanced and flowing you feel healthy, feel good, and have energy to do the things you like to do and those things we feel we should without much resistance. You manage busy schedules with home, work and family pretty easily. Anything undesirable e.g., stress that comes up, you handled in an easy and healthy way. Things just seem to flow well or roll off without too much concern. You feel like you can do anything “like” a super hero you feel invincible. Life is wonderful feeling.

Whereas, negative energy and emotions if not manage creates low energy and can create blockages. If these blockages continue for long periods it can cause dis-ease or illness in the body e.g., pain, stress, fatigue, illness, sadness, worry, etc. Sometimes you just don’t feel like yourself and don’t know why. Negative energy and blockages can create gaps in your health and wellness and in relationships because negative looks for more negative and only sees negative. Doubts creep in and you may feel small, invisible why do I bother. When your energy is low, not balanced and blocked, these are times you don’t feel well and things are not going well in life.

We all are made up of energy and we share that energy knowing and unknowingly with each other.

Have you ever been in a meeting and someone gets angry or really frustrated and you can feel the tension and sharpness of that energy in the room? Everyone in the room becomes uncomfortable and the negative energy builds as the energy together becomes stronger and stronger and more and more uncomfortable.

Have you ever been out of sorts and feel like a little rain cloud is following you? Then you meet a friend or someone who is happy and full of positive energy? As you talk to them the cloud that you felt before dissolves because their high, positive energy helped you heal your own body and bring you back into balance.

Reiki uses positive, healing energy to support the body’s natural healing abilities. Reiki promote balance throughout the human system. Reiki practitioners use this positive healing energy and intention in subtle vibrational fields with their hands to surround and enter the client’s energy and body. Other tools many Reiki practitioners use in their practice are the earth’s natural energy by using crystals and essential oils to promote health, wellness of peace and relaxation in the body. During Reiki, clients feel relaxed and at peace and many cases fall asleep because of the relaxed state. It’s in this space of relaxation and peace where the body is in a state of self-healing.


In Home sessions are at the client’s home. To eliminate or reduce distractions during the session, it is recommended that others that live in the home make alternative arrangements outside the home and pets will need to be in a separate room.

In Home Reiki primary service area are within 15 mile radius of Lansing, Michigan (e.g., Haslett, Okemos, East Lansing, Lansing, DeWitt, Holt, Bath, etc.).

At Home Reiki Sessions: $85 (1 hr apprx)

Distant Healing Reiki Sessions: $80 (1 hr apprx)

 Friends/Family Referral $5 off next Reiki session (new client referrals only)