Loving Living Being

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Welcome to Loving . Living . Being !

However, you found us you are in the right place!

When you don’t follow your calling and you are not maximizing your potential, you feel that you are missing out on something BIG.  Being stuck in this place affects your happiness, your health, your relationships and it can be very painful. However, when you are true to yourself and living your purpose, life takes on a whole new meaning, you feel fulfilled, happy and free.  Maybe it’s your health that is causing your unhappiness?

Are you feeling stuck where you are?
Do you feel off or different and don’t’ know why?
Do you wonder “…why am I here?”
Do you feel “…something just isn’t right, why can’t I find an answer?”
Do you feel “things come so easy to others, but not to me?”
Do you feel “This isn’t the way I thought my life would be like.”
“I have so much stress in my life, I don’t know what to do.”
“I just can’t relax.”
“I just can’t sleep.”

Loving . Living . Being uses a combination of healing methods to help you transition to the life you truly want.  A strong foundation makes all the difference in a healthy mind and body.  If supported properly, the body can heal itself resulting in a domino affect of better health.  Using a combination of alternative methods along with traditional methods are very POWERFUL together!

“Together, we find solutions to clarify your goals and create a practical plan to achieve them.”

Holistic Health and Science Together.  If your body and mind do not have a strong foundation, it cannot improve and maintain your health and wellness.  In life today, we are continually exposed to environmental challenges and toxins from the food we eat, the air we breath, to stressful relationships with family, friends and work.   Life is challenging.

“Is your body and brain getting what it needs? 

Hypnotherapy identifies and clears blockages in your subconscious mind that may be standing in your way.  Core Transformation Hypnotherapy offers a rapid and effective pathway to personal change and growth. In the very relaxed natural state of hypnosis, your mind is focused, very receptive to suggestions, and able to quickly realize the root of behaviors and feelings. In doing so, you can achieve positive and lasting transformation. You have all of the answers inside you; hypnosis helps you to uncover them.

Reiki does the same at your energy level. This offers a rapid path to creating positive change while letting go of the things that have been holding you back, creating balance and healing in your mind, body, and spirit.  Reiki is an energy-healing therapy that treats the whole person—emotionally, physically, and spiritually—through the transmission of universal life energy to balance and strengthen the body’s energy centers. A non-manipulative, hands-on healing technique, Reiki helps to maximize a person’s innate healing potential.

Our services helps you uncover the obstacles that have been preventing you from accomplishing your goals and having the life you truly want.  We focus on “your” specific needs for health and wellness for your body, mind and spirit as a whole. In cases, your needs are outside of our approaches we offer suggestions on options that are best for you.  “You are that important to us.”

Supporting Traditional Therapies.  Additionally, both Hypnotherapy and Reiki are very successful in supporting traditional therapies and are non-invasive (not a medical procedure) to the body.  Both have been used successfully in variety of different cultures for many, many years in conjunction with traditional therapies or as an alternative that is safe and natural.

Space Clearing.  Space clearing has been used by many cultures throughout history to purify and uplift the energy in homes, temples, and public places to promote the health, well-being and abundance of individuals living in the space.  Although different cultures use different tools, the effect is the same – great success!

There is no right way or wrong way, it is the way that works best for you. We work together to find solutions.

At this point, you may be someone who is sure of what you want, but want to know if what we offer is a fit for you.

If you aren’t sure what you want or if this is a fit for you, but know you need to do something, use the quick links below the fits what you need right now.